Anthem singer Jordin Sparks has Proverbs 318-9 on hand for Cowboys vs. Cardinals

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Throughout the on the field Chuma Okeke Jersey -- -- during the national anthem before games. There were while performing.Jordin Sparks did not take a knee, but she did participate in a peaceful and silent demonstration by writing a Bible verse on her hand before the Cowboys-Cardinals game on Wes Iwundu Jersey Monday night.Specifically, Sparks wrote "Proverbs 31:8-9" on her left hand, which was shown while she was singing the national anthem. Dwayne Bacon Jersey That is, obviously, and it relates to the situation unfolding acro s America and acro s the NFL with its me sage: 8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves Jordan Bone Jersey , for the rights of all who are destitute.9 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.There is an idea that NFL players are protesting the divisive words of the president, who said . The reality is Mo Bamba Jersey the demonstrations from these NFL players are about inequality and injustice in America in 2017.NFL games have been refreshing in terms of seeing a Khem Birch Jersey display of unity from people who represent very different backgrounds. On Monday night, before Sparks sang, with the members of his team. president Michael Bidwell also linked arms with his team, as did the front office and coaching staffs from both teams. It echoed a Al-Farouq Aminu Jersey display from the weekend and it continued to carry a positive me sage from the league as a whole.
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